16名学生就读美国国立大学. ' 27获得荣誉奖

上个周末, Foxcroft’s 16-member Model UN Team traveled to American University, 在华盛顿的中心, DC, 在…竞争 AmeriMUNC他们的网站将其描述为“...the only high school conference to host a completely interconnected crisis simulation that is centered around one region of the world.” Students arrived Friday and stayed through Sunday to participate in the conference.
This year’s simulation focused on the African continent, and we are excited to share that Natasha H. ’27 received an Honorable Mention for her role as Solo "Solorazaf" Razafindrakoto on the Cabinet of Madagascar for the committee “Return to Sender: 偷来的工件.”

Below are reflections from two of our students who attended the weekend conference.

今年,联合国辩论的区域是非洲. 他们有很棒的委员会, 包括反偷猎之战, 偷来的工件, 沙子:到处都是, 还有更多! 我选择了反偷猎危机委员会. 

当我们星期五到达时, each of us had a three-hour conference with our committee, where we heard everyone’s ideas and solutions to problems and met people from all over the world. Saturday was a day full of committee meetings with some breaks. 虽然时间似乎很长, the time flies by as there is so much happening in each MUN committee. The AmeriMUNC trip ended with the delegate dance and the closing ceremony and awards. 

I have multiple reasons why I like Model UN, but there is one that stands out the most. 我喜欢历史, so it is fascinating to read about what my committee is trying to accomplish and the topic's history. 我也想在公众演讲方面做得更好, and Model UN has greatly improved my ability to speak in front of a room full of people. 然而, one of the nicest things about going on the Foxcroft MUN trip over the weekend and staying in hotel rooms with classmates is I get to meet and connect with people I have not talked to before. ——卡罗琳·W. ’26

I had never been to a Model UN conference, so I was terribly nervous. It seemed so formal and stiff — the kind of environment where you would get written off because of the slightest mistake. 我差点吓得不敢去, 但我知道要成长, 我需要走出我的舒适区. 所以,我报名了.

We drove to DC as a group on Friday, right after morning Wintermission classes. The trip was long but a good opportunity to catch up on last-minute research. 那天晚上, we changed into our formal outfits and got on a bus to head to the American University campus for our first session. I was the only one from Foxcroft on my committee, so I had to go to my building alone. I was so stressed that I had to check my assigned room five times before I walked in. I chose a seat towards the back and waited for it to begin.

I spoke about three times on the first day, each getting progressively easier. 我第一次站起来讲话, 我的声音有些颤抖, 我几乎无法从我的报纸上抬起头来, 但后来我看到有人在听我说话, 理解我的想法, 适当地点点头, 一边说一边把事情记下来. It made me feel powerful and important — like I could make a difference in the world. From then on, I started to raise my card to speak more often. I collaborated with others during unmoderated periods and asked questions on unclear topics. 这是一种很好的感觉——一起为他人服务.

我还没反应过来,治疗就结束了. When we were released, I breathed a sigh of relief but also a sigh of disappointment. 我真的很享受,不想让它结束. But on the other hand, it was 8:30pm, and I was exhausted. We rode the bus back to the hotel and collapsed into our beds.

On the second day, we woke up bright and early to travel to campus. I sat next to an unfamiliar person on the bus, and we chatted the whole way. We talked about our committees and colleges and what we wanted to do in the future. 所有的代表都很友好,这让我很震惊. 我预料到竞争会很激烈, with each delegate guarding their secrets with their lives, 但在现实中, 虽然竞争很激烈, 代表们将公开分享他们的想法, 即使是与对方.

During our second committee, we worked on our working papers and draft resolutions. Each delegate would make sure that everyone's ideas were heard, even if they were small. There was a sense of togetherness, everyone reaching towards the same goal: a brighter future. It was refreshing to see such good spirit, and it was amazing that I was able to participate in it.

Right after lunch, we presented our draft resolutions and voted on whether they would pass. 提出的两项决议都通过了! It was a truly spectacular moment to see my and others' ideas approved by a whole room of people.

在我们的论文通过之后, 我们的委员会开始讨论“Fun-MUN”,” where we got to choose what we do for the rest of the time. 我们决定做一个Q&A. Random delegates would go to the front of the room, and people would ask them silly questions. It was entertaining and a good way to close the conference.

All in all, AmeriMUNC was an experience I’ll never forget. It pushed me out of my comfort zone while still encouraging me to have fun. I was inspired by the people I met and hope to be just as confident as them at future conferences. 我怎么推荐模拟联合国都不为过. ——塔比瑟·H. ’27
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